Why it’s Important to Drink Water Before the Essential Tasks We Need to Solve?

By:Adepto CompanyCategories: Blog

Are you thinking slower?

If yes, scientists advice to drink a glass of water as soon as possible. You will soon be able to solve a specific task that requires mental effort if  drinking a glass of ordinary (filtrated) water becomes your habit.

Scientists have found that people who drunk half a liter of water before performing mental tasks had 14 percent faster responses than those who did not drink water. The study points out that even slight dehydration can affect mental ability. Dr. Caroline Edmonds, a psychologist from East London University who conducted the research, says the worst results on the test were obtained by those who were thirsty.

“When you’re thirsty, you’re not focused on the task. That’s why water is important to people who have to focus on a mental quest.” There are also theories of how dehydration affects the brain, and it’s possible that can affect hormonal imbalance.

“About 80 percent of the brain is consisted of water, so it is most likely that it important for it to get enough water,” explains Dr. Edmonds in a study published in Frontiers in Human Neuroscience. Earlier studies have found that students who drunk more water have a greater range of attention and better memory.