Novo u ponudi: Ozon generatori za dezinfekciju malih i velikih prostora


Adepto Company u svojoj ponudi uvrstio je uređaje za sanitaciju površina veličine od 20m3do 2600m3. Određeni uređaji iz ponude se mogu koristiti i za pročišćavanje vode.

Svi uređaji proizvedeni su u EU.

O ozonu:

Ozon (O3) je alotropni oblik kisika. Njegove se molekule sastoje od tri atoma kisika. Ima oštar karakterističan  miris, koji možete osjetiti prilikom grmljavine, upravo zbog aktivnog kisika proizvedenog munjevitim pražnjenjem. O3 je bitna molekula za život na Zemlji zbog njegove sposobnosti apsorbiranja ultraljubičastog svjetla (sloj ozona prisutan u stratosferi štiti Zemlju od štetnog djelovanja UV zraka od sunca). Zbog dodatnog atoma, OZON je izuzetno reaktivna vrsta i vrlo selektivno reguliše makromolekularne komponente bakterijskih stanica, gljivica, protozoja i virusa.

Glavne karakteristike ozona su;

– ima veliku oksidacijsku moć, kao visoko nestabilna molekula;

– ne uzrokuje sekundarno onečišćenje;

– ima sposobnost razgradnje složenih organskih spojeva koji nisu biorazgradivi;

– snažno dezinfekcijsko sredstvo širokog spektra djelovanja;

– može se koristiti za čišćenje vode, zraka i okoliša;

– za razliku od drugih dezinfekcijskih sredstava (poput klora), on ne ostavlja nikakve ostatke;

– nakon 20 minuta, O3 se pretvara u kisik i ne zahtijeva tretmane uklanjanja

 (Jednom kada se reakcija završi, ozon se razgrađuje do molekularnog kisika i ne ostavlja štetne  ostatke);

– razgrađuje onečišćujuće tvari bez prenošenja onečišćenja u druge faze;

– jaka dezinfekcija i oksigenacija sprječavaju korozivne i fermentacijske pojave s posljedičnim ispuštanjem loših mirisa, čak i u slučaju dužih zadržavanja;

– velika fleksibilnost doziranja i jednostavnost sistema minimiziraju troškove upravljanja

 i operativnu kontrolu;

– dezinficira i dezodorira okoliš bez upotrebe hemikalija i bez ikakvih ostataka.


Prilikom obavljanja bilo ojeg posla ključno je da se vlasnici pobrinu za održavanje okoline čistom i bez patogenih mikroorganizama ili štetnih insekata i drugih štetočina. Iz tog razloga, osim uobičajenih i svakodnevnih aktivnosti čišćenja, veoma su bitne sanitacija i dezinfekcija. Ove dvije operacije, koje se često smatraju istom, zapravo su vrlo različite, u smislu svrhe i metoda intervencije.

Aktivnost sanacije, u stvari, karakterizira sve one operacije koje saniraju, tj. čine okolinu u kojoj  radite zdravom. Sanitizacija stoga znači poboljšanje uslova zraka, a regulisani nivo vlage, ventilacije i temperature osigurava potpunu odsutnost organizama ili mikroorganizama koji mogu biti štetni za zdravlje. Sistem za dezinfekciju putem ozona u potpunosti predtavlja ekološki metod čišćenja, jer ne ostavlja iza sebe nikakve hemijske ostatke.

U Italiji, Ministarstvo zdravlja,protokolom br. 24482 od 31.07.1996. prepoznao je sistem sanitacije ozonom kao prirodno sredstvo za sterilizaciju okoine kontaminirane bakterijama, virusima, sporama i zaraženim grinjama i insektima.


Ozon uklanja mirise i isparljive organske spojeve, oksidira ugljični monoksid, sumporovodik, merkaptane, amonijak, amine, čestice ugljika…

Ozon uklanja neugodne mirise, ne maskira ih, doslovno ih eliminira razgrađivanjem neugodnih spojeva na reducirane tvari koje gube miris i toksičnost smanjujući uticaj ispuštanja u atmosferu i okolinu.

Čim ozon dođe u kontakt s organskom tvari, aktivira se oksidacijska reakcija. U osnovi se svi živi mikroorganizmi, poput grinja, bakterija, virusa, plijesni i gljivica dok molekule mirisa oksidiraju, pretvaraju u druge bezopasne molekule, eliminirajući tako bilo kakav oblik lošeg mirisa.

Ozon je plin teži od zraka i zato uspijeva prodrijeti unutar vlakana tkanina (madraci, sofe, fotelje, prostirke, tepisi, auto-enterijer). Na taj način postiže se eliminiranje svakog mikroorganizma i supstanci koje imaju neprijatan miris na najteže dostupnim mjestima koja je nemoguće temeljito očistiti klasičnim pranjem, koliko god to radili pažljivo i precizno.


Zahvaljujući svom visokom oksidacijskom potencijalu, ozon oksidira stanične komponente staničnog zida bakterija prodirući unutar stanice. Jednom kad dospije u unutrašnjost stanice oksidira sve bitne komponente (enzimi, proteini, DNA, RNA). Tokom ovog procesa membrana se oštećuje i stanica umire. U izvještajima se naglašavaju poteškoće s kojima se suočavaju tokom uklanjanja zajedničke vegetativne klice, poput stafilokoka Aureusa, koji su obično osjetljiviji od mnogih drugih mikroba. Ozon ih napada oksidacijom ili direktnim uništavanjem stanične stijenke, curenjem staničnih komponenata iz nje. Bakterije umiru od gubitka citoplazme koja ih održava u životu, a taj se fenomen naziva oksidacija ili protoplasmatska ozonoliza. Budući da djeluje trenutno, ozon ne dopušta razvoj otpornih patogenih sojeva, što je sve veći problem za, npr. industriju svježe hrane.


U ovom trenutku efikasna vakcina za koronavirus još nije razvijena i za sada se čini da je jedino rješenje prevencija. Sistem koji se trenutno čini vrlo efikasnim u borbi protiv svih ostalih virusa jeste  ozon.


Oksidacija putem ozona uzrokuje inaktivaciju virusa. U ovom slučaju, djelovanje ozona od posebnog je značaja jer se sastoji u inaktivaciji specifičnih virusnih receptora koje virus koristi za stvaranje veze sa staničnom stijenkom radi invazije.

Mehanizam virusne reprodukcije je na taj način blokiran na nivou svoje prve faze: stanične invazije.


Svakog dana dišemo i u kontaktu smo s nizom faktora kojih često nismo svjesni. Danas su pojave alergije na hemijske agense sve raširenije i u hrani i u okruženju oko nas.


Aktivacija ozona – O3 čisti zrak od patogena poput bakterija, virusa, plijesni i spora. Pročišćavanje se provodi i na tekstilnim površinama poput prostirki, tepiha, sofa itd … i na objektima koji se nalaze u tretiranom području.


Mnogo je malih prostora kojima je potrebna česta i potpuna dezinfekcija upravo zbog neprekidnog izmjenjivanja ljudi koji ih koriste i zbog postojanja teško dostupnih prostora tradicionalnim sistemima čišćenja. Upotreba O3 omogućuje brzu i potpunu dekontaminaciju.



Vrše sanitaciju okruženja

Uklanjaju neprijatne mirise

Eliminišu bakterije

Dezaktiviraju viruse

Individualni zaštitini uređaj za sanitaciju

Farmacqua Plus: Premium Class Device in the World Market

Farmacqua Plus is a premium class device for water treatment and one of the best in the world market. It includes a combination of reverse osmosis and ozone generator which provides high quality alkaline water up to 9.8 pH value.


Reverse osmosis technology can remove 99.99% of the impurities that are found in water and can provide perfectly clean water. Only this combination of technology can provide absolutely pure water of the highest quality. There are various types of treatments that can be multiply incorporated in order to provide greater efficacy and results, but the only important factor are physic-chemical and microbiological characteristics that make up the difference in water quality so that it can be considered as purified water. By the Reverse osmosis treatment it is possible to remove up to 99.9% of organic substances (including microorganisms) and more than 90% of inorganic substances, and if ozone is added as a water disinfectant it has a biocidal effect.OSMOSIS

Osmosis is a natural process that controls the exchange of liquids. When two solvents with different salt concentrations are separated by a semi-permeable membrane that permits only the passage of solvents and solutes, but not the undissolved substances, the diluted solution passes through the membrane and dilutes the one which is more concentrated. The reverse osmosis process can be applied with more pressure to the osmotic pressure from the water supply network, thus allowing passage for the clean water (H2O) without dissolved substances through the semi-permeable membranes, resulting in pure water without almost any solution.


Ozone is an antimicrobial agent, it has high reactivity, penetration and affects the spontaneous decomposition of non-toxic products used as a disinfectant of microbial substances with relatively low concentrations and short contact time enough to inactivate bacteria, molds, fungi, parasites, and viruses. The antimicrobial effect of ozone is counteracted by gram positive and gram negative bacteria. Ozone oxidizes bacterial cell walls and cytoplasmic membranes in the most efficient way, better than chlorine and its derivatives. In this way, a high alkaline water is obtained which has a pH value of up to 9.8.

ECOMODO: Did You Know that You Can Wash your Laundry Without Detergent in Cold Water?

Fully digitized energy-saving ECOMODO device is used for washing laundry even in cold water, WITHOUT  or with little detergent and fabric softener, thanks to highly sophisticated technology!

ECOMODO transforms cold water into a powerful washing ally by injecting a controlled amount of ozone (O3), nanoparticles of silver and UV rays into water and as such, water enters the washing machine. Ozone is the natural, strongest oxidant and the most effective disinfectant. After oxidation and disinfection, ozone is discharged to oxygen, leaving behind a cleaner and smoother laundry.ECOMODO is extremely effective in eliminating viruses, bacteria (including E. coli and gold staphylococci), fungi, molds, algae and spores without creating harmful by-products!

Ecomodo is a new specialized device that allows you to wash your clothes in a completely natural way. Ecomodo uses advanced technology that combines incoming water with active oxygen and silver nanoparticles that enhance the overall antibacterial and antifungal effect. Such purified water for washing clothes will remoove and break the bacterial load on the clothes without the residue of the remaining detergent on fabrics.


Ecomodo allows you to have clean and completely disinfected clothing. Thanks to the ability of oxidation, active oxygen maintains and helps to preserve naturally white or colored clothing after a long time. The use of Ecomodo devices has the advantage of effectively reducing the use of detergent and chemical agents. In fact, the oxygen content in the molecule can remove stains, disinfect, clean and remove all impurities in natural and cold water without any supplements. Thanks to the ecological work mode, it is possible to have a device that can effectively wash the fabric as well as very delicate underwear at low temperatures. With this technology that represents the real little treasure you can make countless washing, without or with little amount of detergent. In addition, the chemical ingredients contained in the detergent come in contact with our skin, which is quite porous and sensitive, and it is in close contact with chemical additives that can have a very harmful effect on our health. However, thanks to the use of Ecomodao devices, your daily routine becomes a real well-being for your entire family.

Please note that for extremely dirty laundry, with stubborn stains, it is necessary to treat them beforehand, or use some detergent (underwear, laundry with firm stains of blood or fat, dish cloths etc.)


Ecomodo is simply practical. It allows you to wash clothes, whether it is  colored or sensitive laundry, at low temperatures, always with great results and cost savings. Reducing the consumption of hot water for washing results in cost savings with less damage to your fabric. Another advantage of using this device is to reduce the damage to the washing machine: the lower the washing temperature, the damage to the drum, the bearings and the joints is reduced and prolongs lifetime of your washing machine.


Ag +

The power of this noble metal is known for its fight against microbes, fungi and odors. Namely, thanks to the sensor located in the Ecomodo device which releases ions of silver that interacts with the flow of water by producing hydroxyl radicals that further enhance the sterilization effect of silver ions, which effectively remove E. coli (E. coli), gold staphylococci (Staphylococcus aureus) and other harmful bacteria. Also, thanks to the strength of sterilization, it prevents the stubborn and unpleasant smell of clothing which is in the laundry basket.


Ultraviolet rays represent one of the best and most effective ways to disinfect water. Thanks to the laws of physics ultraviolet rays have the power to destroy the bacteria, and only act when necessary, without creating harmful by-products. The UV-C beam emitted by special lamps with mercury vapor is deadly for any microorganism (bacteria, viruses, mold, algae, etc.); For this reason, the water that passes through the UV-C sterilizer is microbiologically stable, with no danger associated with over-exposure.


Active Oxygen is a natural molecule that in combination with water forms a strong ecological disinfectant in the liquid state. It leaves no residue or toxins, no odor or taste. It is extremely effective in removing viruses, bacteria, fungi, molds and spores.


Ecology and high performance that are contained in a single device for effective washing is incomparable to the washing process obtained through other conventional treatments. The innovation consists in washing with active oxygen, colorless and unstable gas that oxidizes smells and microorganisms such as viruses, molds and bacteria that bind to components for decomposition, with optimal ecological and natural results.

The appliance does not require servicing or maintenance.