For Fit Body: Make Vitamin Water for Metabolism Revitalization  

By:Adepto CompanyCategories: Blog

Various industrial “vitamin waters” are actually filled with artificial sweeteners that make more harm than good to our body. If you are one of those who do not like to drink water and who doesn’t like its smells or taste but still want to enjoy refreshing drinks, we suggest a home-made recipe for your own “vitamin water” that will especially be beneficial for your digestion and stomach.


– 2 liters of water (best filtered one)

– 1 teaspoon of freshly grated ginger

– 1 medium sized cucumber\

– 1 lemon

– 12 mint leaves


Cut to small pieces cucumber and lemon and if you have homemade fruits that are not treated with pesticides, it is desirable to use them with peel. Put the pickled cucumbers and lemons in the jar and add the other ingredients and pour them all over with water. Store the water in the refrigerator and leave it to at least 8 hours, stirring it occasionally.

Ingredients in this vitamin water have a particularly beneficial effect on the stomach because they soothe digestion and release the body from accumulated toxins.

Lemon with the known richness of Vitamin C stimulates the liver function whose role is the purification of the organism.

Cucumber contains 90 percent of water that releases ingredients that are responsible for detoxifying the body.

Ginger helps keep the glycemic index under control, while also facilitating cramps and helping with nausea.

The mint stimulates the burning of fat deposits, helps in eliminating toxins from the body, and also alleviates abdominal pain.