
Novo u ponudi: Ozon generatori za dezinfekciju malih i velikih prostora


Adepto Company u svojoj ponudi uvrstio je uređaje za sanitaciju površina veličine od 20m3do 2600m3. Određeni uređaji iz ponude se mogu koristiti i za pročišćavanje vode.

Svi uređaji proizvedeni su u EU.

O ozonu:

Ozon (O3) je alotropni oblik kisika. Njegove se molekule sastoje od tri atoma kisika. Ima oštar karakterističan  miris, koji možete osjetiti prilikom grmljavine, upravo zbog aktivnog kisika proizvedenog munjevitim pražnjenjem. O3 je bitna molekula za život na Zemlji zbog njegove sposobnosti apsorbiranja ultraljubičastog svjetla (sloj ozona prisutan u stratosferi štiti Zemlju od štetnog djelovanja UV zraka od sunca). Zbog dodatnog atoma, OZON je izuzetno reaktivna vrsta i vrlo selektivno reguliše makromolekularne komponente bakterijskih stanica, gljivica, protozoja i virusa.

Glavne karakteristike ozona su;

– ima veliku oksidacijsku moć, kao visoko nestabilna molekula;

– ne uzrokuje sekundarno onečišćenje;

– ima sposobnost razgradnje složenih organskih spojeva koji nisu biorazgradivi;

– snažno dezinfekcijsko sredstvo širokog spektra djelovanja;

– može se koristiti za čišćenje vode, zraka i okoliša;

– za razliku od drugih dezinfekcijskih sredstava (poput klora), on ne ostavlja nikakve ostatke;

– nakon 20 minuta, O3 se pretvara u kisik i ne zahtijeva tretmane uklanjanja

 (Jednom kada se reakcija završi, ozon se razgrađuje do molekularnog kisika i ne ostavlja štetne  ostatke);

– razgrađuje onečišćujuće tvari bez prenošenja onečišćenja u druge faze;

– jaka dezinfekcija i oksigenacija sprječavaju korozivne i fermentacijske pojave s posljedičnim ispuštanjem loših mirisa, čak i u slučaju dužih zadržavanja;

– velika fleksibilnost doziranja i jednostavnost sistema minimiziraju troškove upravljanja

 i operativnu kontrolu;

– dezinficira i dezodorira okoliš bez upotrebe hemikalija i bez ikakvih ostataka.


Prilikom obavljanja bilo ojeg posla ključno je da se vlasnici pobrinu za održavanje okoline čistom i bez patogenih mikroorganizama ili štetnih insekata i drugih štetočina. Iz tog razloga, osim uobičajenih i svakodnevnih aktivnosti čišćenja, veoma su bitne sanitacija i dezinfekcija. Ove dvije operacije, koje se često smatraju istom, zapravo su vrlo različite, u smislu svrhe i metoda intervencije.

Aktivnost sanacije, u stvari, karakterizira sve one operacije koje saniraju, tj. čine okolinu u kojoj  radite zdravom. Sanitizacija stoga znači poboljšanje uslova zraka, a regulisani nivo vlage, ventilacije i temperature osigurava potpunu odsutnost organizama ili mikroorganizama koji mogu biti štetni za zdravlje. Sistem za dezinfekciju putem ozona u potpunosti predtavlja ekološki metod čišćenja, jer ne ostavlja iza sebe nikakve hemijske ostatke.

U Italiji, Ministarstvo zdravlja,protokolom br. 24482 od 31.07.1996. prepoznao je sistem sanitacije ozonom kao prirodno sredstvo za sterilizaciju okoine kontaminirane bakterijama, virusima, sporama i zaraženim grinjama i insektima.


Ozon uklanja mirise i isparljive organske spojeve, oksidira ugljični monoksid, sumporovodik, merkaptane, amonijak, amine, čestice ugljika…

Ozon uklanja neugodne mirise, ne maskira ih, doslovno ih eliminira razgrađivanjem neugodnih spojeva na reducirane tvari koje gube miris i toksičnost smanjujući uticaj ispuštanja u atmosferu i okolinu.

Čim ozon dođe u kontakt s organskom tvari, aktivira se oksidacijska reakcija. U osnovi se svi živi mikroorganizmi, poput grinja, bakterija, virusa, plijesni i gljivica dok molekule mirisa oksidiraju, pretvaraju u druge bezopasne molekule, eliminirajući tako bilo kakav oblik lošeg mirisa.

Ozon je plin teži od zraka i zato uspijeva prodrijeti unutar vlakana tkanina (madraci, sofe, fotelje, prostirke, tepisi, auto-enterijer). Na taj način postiže se eliminiranje svakog mikroorganizma i supstanci koje imaju neprijatan miris na najteže dostupnim mjestima koja je nemoguće temeljito očistiti klasičnim pranjem, koliko god to radili pažljivo i precizno.


Zahvaljujući svom visokom oksidacijskom potencijalu, ozon oksidira stanične komponente staničnog zida bakterija prodirući unutar stanice. Jednom kad dospije u unutrašnjost stanice oksidira sve bitne komponente (enzimi, proteini, DNA, RNA). Tokom ovog procesa membrana se oštećuje i stanica umire. U izvještajima se naglašavaju poteškoće s kojima se suočavaju tokom uklanjanja zajedničke vegetativne klice, poput stafilokoka Aureusa, koji su obično osjetljiviji od mnogih drugih mikroba. Ozon ih napada oksidacijom ili direktnim uništavanjem stanične stijenke, curenjem staničnih komponenata iz nje. Bakterije umiru od gubitka citoplazme koja ih održava u životu, a taj se fenomen naziva oksidacija ili protoplasmatska ozonoliza. Budući da djeluje trenutno, ozon ne dopušta razvoj otpornih patogenih sojeva, što je sve veći problem za, npr. industriju svježe hrane.


U ovom trenutku efikasna vakcina za koronavirus još nije razvijena i za sada se čini da je jedino rješenje prevencija. Sistem koji se trenutno čini vrlo efikasnim u borbi protiv svih ostalih virusa jeste  ozon.


Oksidacija putem ozona uzrokuje inaktivaciju virusa. U ovom slučaju, djelovanje ozona od posebnog je značaja jer se sastoji u inaktivaciji specifičnih virusnih receptora koje virus koristi za stvaranje veze sa staničnom stijenkom radi invazije.

Mehanizam virusne reprodukcije je na taj način blokiran na nivou svoje prve faze: stanične invazije.


Svakog dana dišemo i u kontaktu smo s nizom faktora kojih često nismo svjesni. Danas su pojave alergije na hemijske agense sve raširenije i u hrani i u okruženju oko nas.


Aktivacija ozona – O3 čisti zrak od patogena poput bakterija, virusa, plijesni i spora. Pročišćavanje se provodi i na tekstilnim površinama poput prostirki, tepiha, sofa itd … i na objektima koji se nalaze u tretiranom području.


Mnogo je malih prostora kojima je potrebna česta i potpuna dezinfekcija upravo zbog neprekidnog izmjenjivanja ljudi koji ih koriste i zbog postojanja teško dostupnih prostora tradicionalnim sistemima čišćenja. Upotreba O3 omogućuje brzu i potpunu dekontaminaciju.



Vrše sanitaciju okruženja

Uklanjaju neprijatne mirise

Eliminišu bakterije

Dezaktiviraju viruse

Individualni zaštitini uređaj za sanitaciju

Dezinfekciono sredstvo za primjenu na čvrstim površinama

Dezinfekciono sredstvo za primjenu na čvrstim površinama

Uklanja 99,9 % virusa, bakterija, plijesni, gljivica, protozoa, spora i drugih mikroba

·                  Dezinfekciono sredstvo na bazi hlordioksida

·                  Bez korozije na materijalima

·                  Trenutno djelovanje

·                  Sigurno za nanošenje na površine u kontaktu sa kožom

·                  Nije potrebno naknadno sapiranje vodom

·                  2,6 puta jače oksidativno sredstvo od hlora

Kako se upotrebljava?

Jedna tableta je dovoljna za pripremu 40 litara rastvora za dezinfekciju čvrstih površina.


Pakovanja su u teglicama po 10 komada 

Minimalna narudžba je 1 pakovanje ili 10 tableta

Gdje se proizvodi?

Sredstvo Dutrion je Holandskog proizvođača Dutrion. Više na

Kako znam da je sigurno?

Sredstvo je odobreno od EPA, NSF i FDA. Dutrion se na našem tržištu nalazi već 4 godine, korisnici su veliki sistemi s obzirom na veličinu tableta i pakovanja. Pilićare, fabrike, hoteli, prehrambena industrija.

Smart Air Purifier: Clean and Fresh Air for Health in Your Home

W spend most of our time indoors. The air in the rooms is often full of dust, pollen, animal hair, odors, harmful gases and various bacteria and viruses. The air purifier cleans the room air with a five-layer filter system and an optional integrated ionizer and UV lamp.


A smart 8 degree air purifier. Purification phases: 1. Primary filter (stops hair and large volume particles) 2. Cold catalyst (catalyzes various chemical compounds in reaction with oxygen – decomposes them to water and CO2) 3. Cellular activated carbon (dust absorption and collection) , 4. Antibacterial filter (5 micron filter with antimicrobial properties – kills bacteria from the air), 5. High efficiency HEPA filter (0.01 micron – stops 99% of particles larger than 0.01 micron, bacteria, viruses, spores, allergens, dust ), 6. Anion release (air ionization – negatively charged oxygen attracts bacteria, viruses, dust and smoke), 7. UV sterilization (245 nm ultraviolet light kills bacteria and viruses and eliminates odor of mold and smoke), 8. Humidifier (optional ), 9. The device has a built-in odor recognition sensor in the air.


Dimensions: L (37cm), W (20,5cm), H (68cm)

Nobel Office Keep clean water wherever you want (The device does not require a water connection)


Have clean water wherever you want with the modern Nobel Office dispenser!

Introducing an ultra-modern water filtration system in the form of a small water dispenser. This handy solution will give you the perfect clean water wherever you want – even in rooms without water. Our dispenser will be great not only in the kitchen or rooms, but also in the offices and many other representative places.

Extremely easy installation – put your device anywhere, turn on the power – and it’s ready!

The unit does not require a water or sewer connection.

Perfectly clean water is provided by a built-in reverse osmosis system with a production capacity of up to 200 liters per day. Rapid water production thanks to a booster pump. Possibility of using four temperature settings.

The device does not require a water connection – simply pour tap water into the tank and the built-in water filter system does the rest. The filters inside the device clean the water of mechanical impurities, chlorine and other chemical compounds, heavy metals, as well as viruses and bacteria. The osmotic membrane provides perfectly clean water, with an additional antibacterial cartridge installed inside the system – so no water quality concerns.

The built-in pump increases the pressure and goes through the osmotic membrane many times – thanks to this the manifold is much more economical than any other reverse osmosis water filtration system. The device controls the water quality itself and provides information on the need for replacement. In addition, the control panel displays information on the water quality of the tank and the quality of the treated water (TDS measurement of inlet and treated water). You will also find information on the consumption of filter cartridges on the control panel, and with one touch you will select the temperature and amount of water extracted.

Four water temperatures:

  1. Water at room temperature – for direct consumption
  2. Water at 50 ° C
  3. Water at 85 ° C – boiling white and green tea
  4. Water at 95 ° C – brewing black tea, coffee

Choose the amount of water to drink:

  1. Continuous consumption
  2. 240 ml
  3. 350 ml
  4. 500 ml

Each of the above options can be changed or stopped at any time.

Water filtration stages:

The unit is equipped with four stages of water treatment:

  1. Stainless steel filter to remove mechanical impurities (not to be replaced)
  2. Sediment filter-carbon 1 micron – precise removal of mechanical and chemical impurities
  3. 50 GPD osmotic membranes – excellent water filtration (0.0001 microns)
  4. Antibacterial Carbon Filter – Improves the taste of water

Technical data:

Dimensions: height 388 mm, width 183 mm, depth 440 mm

Net weight: 7 kg

Touch screen

Four setpoints: 25 ° C, 50 ° C, 85 ° C, 95 ° C

5 liter water tank

Clean water tank: 1.5 liters

Power supply: 220-230V 50 Hz

Power Consumption: 2300W

Average power consumption: 0.1 kW / 24h

Hot water capacity: 27 l / h (~ 90 ° C)

Nobel Business Star Black for Home, Office, School or Workplace


For home, office, school or workplace – now you can get rid of water bottles!

Stylish and modern Nobel Star Business Water Dispenser – with built-in filtration system for water from wells with reverse osmosis system.

Thanks to this solution you can be sure to drink perfectly clean, healthy and tasty water served from the appliance in two temperatures: hot water (max. 94 ° C) and cold water (min. 6 ° C).

The appliance is equipped with a pump that boosts pressure so that there is never a shortage of drinking water. Performance per day is max. 350 liters of clean water.

Technical data:

Dimensions: 56 cm, width 28 cm, depth 40.5 cm

Cold water tank capacity: 6 liters

Capacity of hot water tank: 2 liters

Power supply: 230V / 50Hz

Cooling Power Consumption: 140W

Heating energy consumption: 500 W.

Noise level: below 70 dB

Inlet water temperature: 5-35 ° C

Inlet water pressure: 1.5 – 3.5 atm

Coolant: R134a (31 g)

Water tanks made of stainless steel

The appliance requires a connection to cold water and sewage.

All installation accessories are included with the device

Electronic control panel:

Each function can be switched on/off separately: heating or cooling water.

Information on the current time and temperatures of the water in the tanks. Automatic maintenance of set water temperature – possibility to choose water temperature in the range:

cold water: 6 – 15 ° C

hot water: 35 – 94 ° C

Three modes to choose from:

General mode: the device is in constant operation

Home mode: device is open from 6am to 8am, 11am to 2pm and 5pm to 10pm

Office mode: The device operates between 7: 30-20: 00

Water temperature can be displayed in two options: Celsius or Fahrenheit

The control panel remembers the settings – they do not reset when the device is off.


The device has built-in overheating protection – it emits an acoustic signal and switches off the heating function in case of excessive rise in water temperature (98 ° C). Other functions work normally. In addition, protection against sensor failure or short circuit is used.

Water filtration stages:

First scrub cartridge (sediment cartridge) – 5 microns

Activated carbon cartridge.

Thorough cleaning cartridge (sediment cartridge) – 1 micron

100 GPD osmotic membrane

In-line coconut shell activated carbon cartridge

Premium eVOLUTION Softener systems with WiFi Control


Advantages of using the eVOLUTION softener:

SAVINGS – eVOLUTION softeners are the most economical devices on the market – they consume on average 75% less consumables than competing softeners,

SAFETY – in the event of a malfunction, the device will send you an SMS or e-mail notification, which can protect you from e.g. floods of the house,

COMFORT – Built-in infrared sensor automatically measures the level of salt in the tank. Your device notifies you in advance by SMS or e-mail of the low salt level in the tank and the need for replenishment. A great relief in replenishing the salt is the built-in lighting in the tank. The hinged brake cover in the Boost and 500 Power models further enhance the comfort of use,

EFFICIENCY – the addition of rinsed quartz gravel increases the efficiency of the device by increasing the surface area of ​​the first water contact with the source, and the use of an innovative control head ensures optimum water pressure,

DURABILITY – Durable high quality materials and patented technologies are hallmarks of the EcoWater brand. In eVOLUTION we have taken care of every detail, e.g. the top cover of the device, most exposed to damage mechanics, is made of ABS used to produce car bumpers.

Benefits of using soft water:

Lower costs and time savings:

up to 20% less energy loss (protect heaters and installations from limescale that limits device productivity),

up to 60% less detergents for washing, storing and cleaning,

less frequent repairs and changes to household appliances (protect limescale heaters),

less impurities and soap deposits,

shiny, thoroughly washed utensils and cutlery without stripes.

Comfort and health protection:

skin protection against irritation,

shiny and soft hair,

preserving the intense colors and softness of the clothes in the wash.

Enjoy soft water throughout the house:

place the softener on the main cold water outlet so that you can access soft water in any room in the house,

intuitive handling and minimal user interference,

remote control from anywhere, also outside the home.

Technical specifications

Dimensions (unit): 114 cm x 35.5 cm x 51 cm

Height to valve inlet / outlet: 97 cm

Valve inlet / outlet distance: 9.5 cm

Height to cover of device: 87 cm

Control panel specifications and features

Valve: 1 ″ SDV

Algorithm: New Formulas 1

Electricity supply: Transformer 240 volts (AC) up to 28 volts, 50 Hz (AC)

PWA system: Attached to the box

Salt Cover: A hinge that slows down closure

Automatic detection of salt levels: ✓

Tank light: ✓

Wi-Fi connectivity: ✓

Adjusting the duration of the backwash and fast rinse: ✓

Adjusting the longest spacing between regenerations in the absence of water intake: ✓

Ability to change time display to 12-hour or 24-hour: ✓

Setting automatic tuning to regeneration if the resin’s ability to exchange ions is consumed at 97%: ✓

A saving mode of regeneration: ✓

Mass washing function in case of increased saturation: ✓

Information on the remaining ion exchange capacity: ✓

Show time until the end of regeneration: ✓

Flowmeter for treated water: ✓

Information on daily water consumption: ✓

Information on average daily water consumption: ✓

Adjusting the quantity unit (liters or gallons): ✓

Additional control panel output: ✓

Salt level indicator: ✓

Low salt alarm: ✓

Setting the menu language: ✓

Adjusting weight units (pounds or kilograms): ✓

Adjusting hardness units (granules or parts per million): ✓

Information on the amount of treated water ready for use: ✓

Inspection reminder: ✓

Backlit Display: ✓

Water Softener for Industry – AQUASOFT WS1 TWIN

Duplex softener models are neede in places where softened water is required 24 hours a day in the process, without interruption. These are actually two devices connected in parallel, one of which is in operation while the other one is regenerating. When the workpiece is saturated, the automation switches to the work phase to another already regenerated device.

With this arrangement, one device is always ready for operation.

For duplex models, the devices are interconnected so that only input and output jacks are required for installation.

Duplex models are classified as the most reliable water softener. They are adjusted according to the requirement, which depends on the hardness of the water at the site, the required flow rate, the selection of adequate cycle capacity, the intended use of the softened water, the installation position, etc.

Duplex models can be used for a variety of purposes, whether it is home water softening or industrial chemical water treatment.

They are installed on the main inlet pipe and have a fully automatic mode.

Basic features of Aquasoft softener:

All softener components are of European and American origin, CE and NSF certified,

Lewatit ionic mass, nutritional quality,

Top world class in economy of salt, energy and water consumption,

Output water hardness <0.1 ˚dH

Automatic operation, electronic, programmable

Volume management

Operating temperature 4 – 43˚C

Flows from 1 – 20 m3 / h

Industrial Reverse Osmosis RO 300 RO 600 RO 900

Devices for the desalination of softened drinking water according to the current European and world regulations for drinking water (without the presence of free chlorine) with reverse osmosis operation.

Device Design:

Support frame made of stainless steel, freestanding.

Special inlet filter with 5 μm filter cartridge, high-pressure, low-noise multistage centrifugal pump, low-energy reverse osmosis modules with energy efficient PA/PS composite membranes in GRP inner liner columns, NSF certified.

Stainless steel feedwater and permeate sampling valves, inlet solenoid / diaphragm valves and diaphragm flushing, needle control valves for adjusting permeate, concentrate and concentrate recirculation.

Pressure gauges for pre-filter inlet and outlet pressure, pump pressure, operating pressure and concentrate pressure, pressure switch for controlling feed water pressure and high-pressure pump. Permeate, concentrate and concentrate recirculation flowmeters, type: rotameter.

Controller for display of operating and control status, with LCD display 128 × 64 dot matrix with backlight.

Control functions: high and low level of feed water tank, low pressure of feed water alarm, high pressure alarm of high pressure pump, high and low level of permeate tank, conductivity measurement of feed water 0-4000 µS / cm, conductivity measurement of permeate 0-20μS / cm, 0-200 μS / cm (automatic selection) with automatic temperature compensation for reference temperature of 25 oC, display of desalination degree in% and water temperature.

RS485 separate interface, standard Modbus communication RTU protocol, baud rates 2400, 4800, 9600 adjustable via keyboard.

Control: inlet solenoid valve, low pressure pump, high pressure pump, solenoid valve for flushing membranes.

Conductivity electrodes of raw water and permeate of AISI 316 stainless steel and titanium.

The configuration and dimensions may vary depending on the specific requirements of the user.

The devices are designed for a maximum TDS content of 1,000 mg /l, a water temperature of 15 ° C, a maximum SDI index of 3 and free permeate output. Under these conditions, the devices will have a declared permeate flow over a period of minimum 3 years. The permeate utilization depends on the quality of the raw water and the type of pretreatment.

RO Cristalle Redox Premium Alkaline Ionized Water


The device produces two types of water: perfectly pure osmotic water and ionized water.

Feel the instant difference in water quality and choose the best!

Cristalle Redox is your best choice if you are looking for the perfect water filtration system.

Now you can enjoy the best filtration method with full water quality guarantee. The device produces two types of water with outstanding health benefits.

Perfectly pure osmotic water:

Osmosis is a natural process that occurs in every living organism. Each cell is surrounded by a special membrane, through which only the best and most essential pass through. By drinking osmotic water you support your body’s work and give it the best!

Ultra pure osmotic water is produced by a special semi-permeable membrane that separates all impurities from the water. Impurities are channeled to the sewer system, while clean water is intended for consumption. This filtration method is one of the most popular and effective in the world. It is estimated that over 300 million people worldwide use water filtered by this method.

Redox Alkaline Ionized Water:

It is water with the highest quality, ionizing and mineralizing properties. It has a negative redox potential that makes it a powerful antioxidant.

Drinking alkaline water is the most important thing you can do for your health and well-being. Such water is a powerful antioxidant, which provides the body with huge amounts of oxygen and thus a lot of energy. Alkaline water with an optimal pH level and a low (negative) ORP level will cure most diseases that result from poor nutrition and other health problems in the body – including those diseases that are classified as ‘lifelong’ by medicine. Alkaline water neutralizes acids throughout the body. Because our bodies are very acidic and we supply acidic products daily, which are found in processed foods (and even in vegetables and fruits produced on the basis of fertilizers) – we need some kind of equivalent – something that will restore the acid-alkaline balance of our body. Acids are the basis of all diseases, so there is no therapy that is more reasonable than neutralizing these acids. However, health is nothing more than a state of balance (homeostasis). Emotional balance is responsible for our mental health, and acid-base balance is responsible for the proper functioning of the whole organism and, interestingly, it also has a significant effect on the brain and our emotions. Health care has never been so easy – think: today you are the water you drank yesterday. Your brain, heart and all organs – all of you – average 75% of the water you drink every day!

We use patented technology from Korean company Biocera to get this unique water.

Compact design:

Thanks to its compact body, the device is not only easy to install but also to use everyday. All components are hidden in the aesthetic interior, and filter cartridges are very easily accessible after removing the side panel. This solution makes the device always clean, and there are no cables and wires in the cabinet under the sink.


Easy replacement of the container only twice a year. This model uses Q-type cartridges, which means they have built-in quick connectors for easy replacement. No need to use gaskets, Teflon tapes, etc.


The set features the best double taps on the market made of stainless steel. A professional product that will look great in your kitchen! Filtered water faucet is one of the most sensitive products – it is used many times every day. The set features a stainless steel faucet with ceramic valves – this guarantees not only the high aesthetics and quality of the product, but also the purity of the pouring water.

Dimension of tap: Height: 27 cm. You can also choose from the chrome spout, model GW-W2-01-CH: Spout dimension: height: 30 cm.

Overall security:

The device has an anti-flood sensor that activates when water appears outside the filter system. The sensor immediately cuts off the water supply to the filtration system so that the kitchen cabinet cannot flood.

Important: The Nobel Water Systems water treatment systems are the only ones on the market equipped with a pollution prevention valve that prevents the return flow of contaminated water from the sewer system. So you can be sure that your water filtration system will be completely safe even when there is a blockage or failure of the water supply – the dirty water along with the bacteria cannot be returned to the filtration system.

Filter Cartridge Replacement Reminder:

You will receive a small smart sticker in the set that can be placed anywhere – after activating the fluid contained in it, it counts down the time to replace the cartridges in a timely manner after 6 months of operation.

Filter System:

A device based on modern line inserts. Five stages of water filtration:

  1. Pre-filter – 5 microns GW-PS5-L25-Q
  2. GW-GAC-L25-Q High Performance Activated Carbon Cartridge
  3. Refining Cartridge – 1 micron GW-PS1-L25-Q
  4. Osmotic membrane
  5. Biocera – an antioxidant alkaline cartridge

Advantages of Cristalle:

The absolute highest quality of water

The compact housing is suitable for installation and use

Low operating costs

Operating without sound

Aesthetic faucet with ceramic clean water valves

Unique design

Ventilated housing (without dew on wire)

High efficiency – up to 380 liters per day

Secure connections using next-generation quick couplers

Technical specifications:

Dimensions of the device: Height: 39 cm width: 23 cm length: 46 cm

Minimum inlet water temperature: 5 ° C

Maximum water temperature: 40 ° C

Minimum pressure: 2.8 bar

Maximum pressure: 6.0 bar

Capacity: up to 380 liters per day (depending on water quality)

Membrane: 100 GPD.

Water tank: integrated within the system, with a total capacity of 2.4 liters

Water connection: 1/2 “or 3/8”

The unit does not require power

The unit requires connection to a sewer system – a quick mounting clamp is included in the kit.

Installation of the appliance does not require modification of the water supply or sewerage system in the kitchen.

Farmacqua Plus: Premium Class Device in the World Market

Farmacqua Plus is a premium class device for water treatment and one of the best in the world market. It includes a combination of reverse osmosis and ozone generator which provides high quality alkaline water up to 9.8 pH value.


Reverse osmosis technology can remove 99.99% of the impurities that are found in water and can provide perfectly clean water. Only this combination of technology can provide absolutely pure water of the highest quality. There are various types of treatments that can be multiply incorporated in order to provide greater efficacy and results, but the only important factor are physic-chemical and microbiological characteristics that make up the difference in water quality so that it can be considered as purified water. By the Reverse osmosis treatment it is possible to remove up to 99.9% of organic substances (including microorganisms) and more than 90% of inorganic substances, and if ozone is added as a water disinfectant it has a biocidal effect.OSMOSIS

Osmosis is a natural process that controls the exchange of liquids. When two solvents with different salt concentrations are separated by a semi-permeable membrane that permits only the passage of solvents and solutes, but not the undissolved substances, the diluted solution passes through the membrane and dilutes the one which is more concentrated. The reverse osmosis process can be applied with more pressure to the osmotic pressure from the water supply network, thus allowing passage for the clean water (H2O) without dissolved substances through the semi-permeable membranes, resulting in pure water without almost any solution.


Ozone is an antimicrobial agent, it has high reactivity, penetration and affects the spontaneous decomposition of non-toxic products used as a disinfectant of microbial substances with relatively low concentrations and short contact time enough to inactivate bacteria, molds, fungi, parasites, and viruses. The antimicrobial effect of ozone is counteracted by gram positive and gram negative bacteria. Ozone oxidizes bacterial cell walls and cytoplasmic membranes in the most efficient way, better than chlorine and its derivatives. In this way, a high alkaline water is obtained which has a pH value of up to 9.8.