All posts by Adepto Company

Are You on Diet? These are Benefits of Drinking Filtered Water for Effective Weight Loss

Drinking plenty of filtered water throughout the day, especially about half an hour before and after meals, will assist with healthy digestion and prevent weight gain.

Any weight loss plan should include exercise, a healthy diet, and sufficient liquids to keep the body hydrated and healthy. When a low calorie diet is being followed in order to lose weight, sugary drinks such as sodas and fruit juices, as well as caffeine-rich beverages such as coffee, tea and alcohol, should be avoided. To burn off fat, follow an exercise regime high in aerobic exercises, such as an aerobic gym class, running, swimming or cycling, which will get the heart rate up and burn off fat. To tone muscle, physical exercises with weights targeting certain muscles will get you in shape. Cardiovascular sports that involve some form of resistance, such as swimming and cycling, are a great way to get a full body workout, burning off fat and toning muscle at the same time. It is essential to replace fluids lost in perspiration to prevent dehydration. Dehydration will lead to cramping, which will cut your exercise session short, and will be counter productive to losing weight. Drinking pure water is the healthiest option when exercising, as caffeine-rich beverages such as sodas, can in fact be dehydrating, and do not rehydrate the body effectively.In many cases, weight gain is a result of water retention, and while one may assume that drinking lots of water would result in the body retaining more water, the opposite is in fact true. When your body is deprived of water, it stores water as a natural defense against dehydration. If you supply your body with a regular supply of fresh filtered water, this will cause excess water to be eliminated from the body, flushing out toxins at the same time. Toxins are stored in the liver and fatty tissue, and can only be eliminated from the body if flushed out with plenty of pure water. The liver is responsible for regulating how fat is metabolized in the body, and thus for burning fat. For your liver to fulfill the job of fat metabolism effectively, your liver must be in a healthy condition. By flushing your system with plenty of healthy fresh water, you will aid the elimination of toxins from your liver and fatty tissue – this is essential for a healthy weight loss program to prevent toxins from becoming concentrated in fatty tissue. Water also aids digestion, transport of nutrients throughout the body, and elimination of wastes from the body. Drinking plenty of filtered water throughout the day, especially about half an hour before and after meals, will assist with healthy digestion and prevent weight gain.Drinking plenty of water can suppress the appetite, making it less tempting to snack in-between meals. If you feel hungry between meals, snack on healthy foods with a high water content, such a fresh fruit and vegetables. Another option would be to juice the fruit and veggies for a healthy drink, high in water and nutrients, but low in calories. This will leave you feeling full, while at the same time providing a high nutritional value in terms of vitamins and minerals, but because it is low in calories, it will not pack on the pounds.

Water is an essential component of any weight loss program. While tap water will suffice, to avoid toxins that may be present in unfiltered tap water, rather try to include copious amounts of pure filtered water as a regular part of your diet.

What kind of water do you and your family drink?Contact us and our experts will be glad to answer all of your questions and help you when choosing the best water filtering system that will meets all your requirements when it comes to healthy drinking water.

Why You Need a Water Softener in Hospitality Industry

Hard water can cause stains, buildup and many other ugly discomforts in your home. This is why water softeners exist – especially in parts of the country where the water is very hard. But what about when you’re on the road? In the hospitality industry, having a commercial water softener is just as important!

Do hotels need a water softener?

Hotels make money because of customers. Customers return when they have a good experience. Having access to soft water contributes to that good experience, whether the customer knows it or not. Here are a few reasons why. The main benefit of a commercial water softener in a hotel is the laundry. Guests need a place to sleep, and they want it to be comfortable and sanitary. Soft water will lead to softer, fresher sheets that look brighter and last longer. Using soft water can save a hotel up to 40% on detergent because soft water requires less detergent to get the job done. Soft water will also protect your appliances and reduce maintenance costs without the hard water scale.Another benefit is the cleaning costs and efficiency. Customers value clean bathrooms, and soft water works better when cleaning. There will be less streaks and more shine on everything in the hotel room without having to mess with calcium and iron in the water. You’ll also save money on chemical costs with the same (or even better) results.The maintenance benefit is that your fixtures and plumbing equipment will last longer when these harsh minerals are reduced. That means you will save money on repairs and replacement, which is important in the hospitality industry. Water softeners are often purchased in a home just to improve water quality and taste. Hotel guests are often offered tea and coffee, and they will definitely taste better with soft water. Hotel guests will also be pleased to know that soft water is wonderful for your hair and skin. And let’s not forget the most visible difference – glassware and dishes. No one wants to see cloudy glasses at a hotel they’re paying to visit. And silverware with that white build-up just looks nasty. Soft water solves these problems!Happy customers are the ones that will return, and we know that soft water plays an important role in their stay. Soft water is important for guests just as much as it is for the hotel business itself.

Pay attention to the quality of water softeners while purchasing one

We have already mentioned in our previous post that on our market there are suspicious quality softeners that can cause more harm than good in the process of producing , but also in other segments in industry, hospitality industry, medicine and dentistry. Generally, water softeners are devices that do not require special maintenance and can last for many years, provided you choose a quality brand. In addition to good water softeners, high-quality tablet salt should be used to prevent clogging of the connectors in the device itself and to reduce salt consumption during regeneration.For these reasons, we recommend that you pay extra attention when choosing a water softener, selecting the experts who will best evaluate the needs of the customer, and most importantly, have a clear insight into the product itself, the origin of the product, or the manufacturer of the softener. On the world market there is an excellent offer of softeners for industry and households, and Adepto Company offers only the best European and world brands.

If you need soft water for your business or want quality water softening equipment for your household, our experts are at your disposal for all your questions and concerns when choosing a water softener.

Tap Water – What’s Actually in It?

We drink, bathe, cook, and clean with it. But how much do we really know about the water that flows out of our faucets? Some regionsfare better than others when it comes to contaminants, but lead, bacteria, and nitrates can still make their way into water supplies . So before drinking up, let’s take a closer look at what’s on tap.

Troubled Waters? — The Need-to-Know

Tap water comes from one of two sources: surface water (including reservoirs, rivers, and lakes) or groundwater (from artesian and deep wells). But before it hits our thirsty lips, most H2O undergoes an important disinfection process, (chlor) destroying most harmful organisms like bacteria and parasites.But chlorination won’t kill off every bad guy, and some disease-carrying germs can still pollute surface water — and ultimately tap water — through the stool of infected animals or people (ick, we know). Lead and copper can also crash the party via corroded pipes, mostly in homes built before 1970, when copper pipes and lead joints were deemed acceptable. Other less-than-ideal findings: nitrates and other chemicals from fertilizer and pesticide runoff, arsenic (via erosion, orchard runoff, and industrial waste) and even fuel . And then there’s the alphabet soup of chlorination byproducts — some of the most controversial and potentially harmful contaminants of them all. \r\n\r\nIt sounds pritty scary, isn’t it? Luckily, regulation and laws by the safe drinking water act, unwanted intruders are capped at concentrations generally safe enough for the average healthy individual.Tips for Tap — Your Action Plan

While the quality of H2O will vary between homes, there are a few ways to start sipping more soundly. First, contact the local Public Water Supply for a Consumer Confidence Report, and ask about further testing options if data is limited. And in the meantime, consider trying these simple tips to reduce lead (one of the most dangerous toxins) in drinking water:Run It. When a particular faucet hasn’t been used for six hours or more, “flush” the cold water pipes by running the water until it becomes as cold as it will get.

Drink Cold. For drinking, cooking, and preparing baby formula, always reach for the cold water tap. Hot water is likely to contain higher levels of lead.

Re-Strain. Routinely clean and replace faucet strainers, which can accumulate debris, metals, and other sediment.

Take a Sniff. Smell rotten eggs, chemicals, or an earthy or metallic-type odor? Consult the water filtering experts who will offer you the best solution for your needs.

Go Filtered. Pregnant women, children under the age of 6, and those with weak immune systems should opt for filtered water to keep harmful contaminants away.

Of course, bottled water is always an alternative to tap (albeit a pricier one), just remember that not every bottle comes “straight from the source.” Some bottled brands are simply purified tap water — or not even purified at all.But in areas with good quality drinking water, and after taking all the recommended precautions, there should be little to worry about when it comes to tap. Studies show there might even be some pluses, including fluoride to promote strong teeth, as well natural mineral content like calcium, magnesium, and sodium, which could be beneficial to some individuals . So if the tap at home makes the grade, drink up! What’s your go-to source for hydration? Bottled? Tap? Pitcher or RO Devices? Send us the comments or your request on what kind of water filtration device would be best for your home, and we will gladly respond and give you an advice

The Immortelle Manufacturing Process is a Science & Also an Art: Let Adepto Company Experts Deal With Hard Water

For several years the greatest economic story in our country is the flourishing of production and processing of immortelle. The immortelle has become the most profitable economic project of Herzegovina, and its final product – essential oil is mainly sold to the foreign market. The process of obtaining the essential oil is carried out by distillation. Distillation is a science but also an art. In this process, special attention should be paid to the softness of the water (good water softener required), water vapor temperature, distillation time, pressure, performance and shape of the boiler, material (inox, copper), as well as preparation of plant material. Due to the complexity of the process of producing essential oils where the major problem is hard water, today’s blog is devoted to a concrete example of the solution offered by Adepto Company for a customer who has been in the process of immortelle for many years. Namely, our client has initially obtained the best immortelle distillation device as well as a water softener that could hardly satisfy the needs and demands for soft water  in the the process of immortelle production. By visiting the site, the experts of our company Adepto Company have offered the best solution for the problem of hard water in the form of Duplex softener. These softeners are ideal for sites with varying water demand or for applications where a continuous and uninterrupted supply of softened water is required. The twin vessel configuration allows for one resin vessel to always be in service whilst the other is in regeneration or standby thus guaranteeing 24/7 soft water production.Please note that on our market there are suspicious quality softeners that can cause more harm than good in the process of producing essential oils, but also in other segments in industry, medicine and dentistry. Generally, water softeners are devices that do not require special maintenance and can last for many years, provided you choose a quality brand. In addition to good water softeners, high-quality tablet salt should be used to prevent clogging of the connectors in the device itself and to reduce salt consumption during regeneration.For these reasons, we recommend that you pay extra attention when choosing a water softener, selecting the experts who will best evaluate the needs of the customer, and most importantly, have a clear insight into the product itself, the origin of the product, or the manufacturer of the softener. On the world market there is an excellent offer of softeners for industry and households, and Adepto Company offers only the best European and world brands. If you need soft water for your business or want quality water softening equipment for your household, our experts are at your disposal for all your questions and concerns when choosing a water softener. 

Do You Know that Filtered Water Is Great in Struggling against Swollen Feet and Legs?

Do your feet tend to swell up as the weather warms up? This is actually very common, and occurs as a result of your body’s natural cooling mechanism. However, it can be exacerbated by factors such as diet and age. In today’s blog, we talk about why your feet swell up in warmer weather, and what you can do to reduce this uncomfortable condition.

Swollen feet due to the warm weather?

When the sun comes out it’s inevitable that your ankles and feet do too! No longer hidden under trousers, tights or boots, at this time of the year our lower limbs and toes are freer to bask in the summer sun (when it makes an appearance). But with the sun comes heat and with heat often comes ‘the swell’!Why do my ankles and feet swell in hot weather?

This phenomenon is actually a result of your body’s natural cooling mechanism. When you are too hot your veins dilate, allowing fluids to leak into surrounding tissues. The widening of these blood vessels in warm weather is perfectly natural as it’s our bodies’ way of trying to keep itself cool. However, when this happens your veins struggle to pump blood back to the heart and have trouble fighting gravity, which pulls fluid down to the ankles and feet, causing it to pool, resulting in swelling and discomfort.

What can make this problem worse?

Swollen ankles and feet can be exacerbated by a number of factors including:

• Too much salt in your diet. This causes a salt:water imbalance which the body tries to correct by retaining extra water.

• Prolonged sitting or standing. As we walk, the movement of our legs helps to pump blood up from the lower limbs. However, sitting or standing still means that your body has to work harder to pump blood against gravity.

• Age. As we age our circulation can become slower and our hearts can become less efficient at pumping blood around the body. This makes it easier for fluids to pool in the lower limbs.

• Pregnancy. Pregnancy already puts extra strain on the vascular system, as the body has to deal with an increase in fluids as well as an increase in weight. Swollen feet and ankles are a common side-effect of pregnancy anyway, so this only worsens in warm weather.So what can you do to relieve this problem?

10 natural ways to ease swollen feet and ankles in warm weather\r\nIf your swelling is being caused by heat there are many natural ways you can help cool down your lower limbs, improve poor circulation and help return fluid to your blood vessels, including:

1. Elevate your feet

If you feet and ankles are swollen, this is one of the first things you should do to help reduce the swelling. Gravity really isn’t your friend when it comes to swelling, so you need to reverse its effect on your limbs by making sure you elevate you feet as much as possible. It is recommended to raise your legs/feet higher than your heart, 3-4 times a day for 30 minutes each – depending on the severity of the swelling. When you go to bed you can also put a pillow under your ankles to help drain the excess fluid.2. Avoid heat as much as possible

If you are prone to swelling when it is warm, try to stay a cool as possible. Easier said than done sometimes, but one way to do this is to ensure you don’t sit in direct sunlight. Find shaded areas to sit in or seek out air conditioned rooms where possible. Keep a mini fan handy to keep you cool and try a cooling foot spray – which can refresh and cool down hot feet and ankles quickly. Avoid excessively hot baths, hot showers and saunas as these can worsen swelling. Try to keep your water temperature warm but not too hot, and at the end of a shower a good tip is to blast your legs with a jet of cold water to boost circulation.

3. Stay active

Although excessive and intense exercise or activity can contribute to swelling in the lower limbs, gentle exercise such as walking and swimming is good for you as it helps to boost your circulation and get fluid build up flowing again. A good way of ensuring you don’t over-heat and add to any swelling is to exercise at cooler times of the day, such as the morning or early evening. Swimming is particularly good for swollen feet and ankles as it not only cools them down and keeps you off your feet, it also promotes gentle movement and stretching which helps to get fluids moving, while the water pressure can also help to improve circulation. 4. Drink plenty of filtered water

Whatever you do, don’t limit the amount of water you drink thinking this will lessen the amount of water you retain. Not drinking enough filtered or ordinary water can make the salt concentration in your blood to go up, which makes your body retain any water you do drink and cause swelling! Excess salt is a big contributor to swelling, so by drinking more filtered water you can help to dilute the amount of salt in your system and flush it out. Try to aim for at least 8-10 glasses of filtered or tap water a day. If you struggle to drink plain water then try adding slices of cucumber and lemon to it. This not only makes a refreshing drink, but cucumbers and lemons are also great for fighting the swell due to their anti-inflammatory properties. Filtered water is tasty and powerful!5. Watch your diet

As above mentioned, one of the main causes of swelling is excessive salt, so you need to be mindful of how much you consume in your diet. To limit your chances of swollen ankles and feet it is best to pass on the table salt and look at a low-sodium alternative or reduced salt varieties of foods which are usually high in salt, such as soups, sauces, crisps and smoked meats. Try to avoid eating highly processed foods as these often have a high salt content. Summer is a great time for adding more fresh fruit and vegetables into your diet and there are some that are better than others when it comes to helping your swollen feet. Certain foods are natural diuretics, which increase and encourage urine production, and can provide relief from fluid retention. Unlike prescribed diuretics, natural ones do not strip your body of essential vitamins and minerals. Foods that have this diuretic effect include beetroot, leafy greens such as lettuce and spinach, pumpkin, green beans, asparagus, onion, lemons and pineapple.

6. Support your legs, ankles and feet

Support tights or compression socks can help prevent swelling. They may be a little difficult to get on, but their tightness is key! They provide measured pressure to reduce the size of dilated veins, increase blood flow and help to prevent the pooling of fluids in ankles and feet, which causes swelling.

7. Avoid being stationary for too long

After a long day at work, especially if you have been sitting or standing all day, it is normal to have some swelling in your legs, ankles and feet, since gravity has been at work all day.\r\nOne way to avoid this is to ensure you have regular ‘walking breaks’ to ease discomfort and get fluid moving and blood flowing upwards again. If you sit at a desk all day long, try finding a way of propping your feet up – even a slight rise can make a big difference to your swelling.\r\nTry not to sit with your legs crossed as this can restrict blood flow and make swelling worse. It’s best to sit with your feet flat on the floor or crossed at the ankles.8. Massage

Massaging your feet and ankles is a good way to get fluid moving and reduce swelling. The best way to do this is by massaging gently, using both hands and working upwards from feet to knees in a circular motion. Essential oils such as peppermint oil and grapefruit oil mixed with a carrier oil such as almond oil are great to use when massaging swollen feet and ankles.

9. The power of magnesium

Magnesium is an important mineral for blood circulation so it’s no surprise that a deficiency in the amount of magnesium in the body can often lead to swelling. A dose of 200mg taken twice a day can make a difference. You can also look to your food to increase your magnesium intake by eating more magnesium rich foods including dark leafy greens, such as spinach and kale, nuts and seeds, fish, avocado, bananas and dark chocolate.

10. Other things you can do…

There are many other natural ways that you can ease swelling when it has occurred including applying ice packs to your swollen area, cooling foot soaks with Epsom salts and wrapping your feet and ankles in damp towels.

One more tip

Although uncomfortable and often embarrassing if your swollen ankles and feet are on show, swelling is usually temporary, unless it is being caused by an underlying health condition. If proper rest, together with these self help treatments don’t reduce swelling or if you have high blood pressure, then it is important to seek medical advice from your doctor as it may be a sign of a more serious health condition.

Want a Face Without Wrinkles? Drink Plenty of Filtered Water!

Water is an integral part of our everyday life and without it there is no life. It is also necessary as for the entire body to provide sufficient moisture for skin in order to prevent wrinkling, a feeling of tightness and dryness and to slow down aging. Our body and face are a reflection of health and best describes our inner state of mind. Having a shiny, tight and well-groomed skin is the goal of every woman. Skin care should be performed daily to keep it from being limped, and skin hydration is one of the most important procedures that make routine daily care – dehydrated skin has a reduced ability to recover and regenerate. The dehydration problem occurs when our skin loses more moisture than it gets and can catch any skin type, regardless of the years. Dehydrated skin can help with proper nutrition, drinking enough water per day, and naturally using moisturizing creams that will provide the skin with sufficient moisture and prevent further drying.

When the body lacks water, the cells dry out, accelerating their aging and eventually cells die out. Collagen fibers and elastin lose their strength, so the skin loses tenseness and elasticity, becomes blunt, wrinkled and lifeless. Adequate filtered water intake, on the other hand, accelerates the flow of nutrients through the body, helps eliminate waste and cleanses skin, says nutritionists.“It has been proved that already half a liter of water increases the supply of blood and nutrients to the skin, giving it a glittering look. To ensure optimal moisture and remove visible signs of skin aging, it is necessary to drink approximately one liter and one half of filtered water per day, the best filtered or spring ones, “advise nutritionists. Teas, juices and other beverages cannot replace water. Only fresh, spring or filtered water (as well as fruit and vegetable water) is a valuable contribution to beauty and health.

So what is the best way to add water to the skin?

• Drink more water. Drinking at least 8 glasses a day will help rid the body and skin of toxins. Many people often report that by increasing their water intake, their skin has a more radiant glow. Those who suffer from acne have reported the same results. Nothing will happen overnight, but even a good couple of weeks of increasing water intake should be enough for you to see how hydration affects your own skin.• Apply a hydrating moisturizer within 2 minutes of leaving the bath or shower. The skin is still porous and is vulnerable to products that are applied following the bath or shower, allowing better absorption.

• Apply a product containing hyaluronic acid prior to your moisturizer. Hyaluronic acid holds 1,000 times its own weight in water, thus attracting water to the skin and holding it there.

Professional Trainer Džemal Gekić Advises: 3 Ways to Increase Water Intake in Everyday Life

We all know how important the daily intake of liquid for optimum functioning of the body is. It is especially important during the summer days so we should pay attention to it. I will share with you three very efficient and simple ways to get a little more water every day. Pay attention that I am talking about water, not beverages, because you should generally avoid liquids that have calories, and water is the best example out of that category.\

1. Make yourself ready to drink a glass of water while drinking each coffee / tea during the day – most people drink coffee or tea or both on a daily basis, so every time you have a cup of coffee, try to take a glass of water along with your coffee. If you drink 2-3 coffees a day, then you will intake 0.4-0.7l of water more during a day.\

2. Drink a glass of water each time you leave the house and the first thing when you come back home take a glass of water – if you go to work or just outside for whatever resaon is, take a glas every time you come and go (it’s at least once a day you leave your home). 3. Drink one glass of water while working in office or relaxing reading a book, my advice is to put one glass of water on your desk or near to you. On that way you will intake water regularly. For instance, now while you are reading the article have a glass of water. Those are very simple but effective tips, you should try to follow them for couple of days until they become your daily routine. Sincerly your Džemal, 

Džemal Gekić is one of the most famous fitness trainers in B&H and the first in our country who is certified to issue internationally recognized certificates.

More about him on his Web Page Adepto Company experts, in addition to the advice provided by our trainer, recommend filtered water that is free of all the additives that can affect your health and which is the best solution for you and your family. You can read more about filtered water and its benefits on our blog.

Adepto Company Manager: Water Filtering in Households is No Longer a Luxury but a Need!

We talked with Dalibor Jakić, Adepto Company manager who is also technical person for more than ten years of experience in water filtration issues in households, medicine, dentistry and industry, how much and do we really need water filtration in our area. To our question why there is an increasing need for water filtration in B&H, Jakic said:

“We often have a case, especially after a long period of rain to read in the media that tap water is not suitable for drinking. What possibilities do B&H citizens have? A significant number of people buys bottled water, which is one of the solutions. But there is one other possibility we offer for the tap water that citizens already pay bills for and it’s related to our devices for water filtration that could provide clean water free from organic compounds, without limescale and 100% safe for human health. People are increasingly deciding to buy some of the water filtering equipment, as evidenced by the demand and supply on our market.

“No one can dispute the fact that Bosnia and Herzegovina has high quality water potentials. The problem is not our water and springs, the problem is the way the water flows from the source to the end user, as well as the discharges, such as chlorine, that are used to disinfect water to make it even usable for drinking. This is especially a problem for cities and places where there are frequent restrictions, which is the case with the capital of BiH. Even countries that have exceptionally high-quality water such as France, Switzerland and even Austria are increasingly using water filtering devices for these reasons.

“When it comes to water used in industry and medicine, our clients mostly need so-called demineralized water, necessary in production processes, for example in cosmetics, in medicine, when it comes to expensive dentistry appliance, hospital operation rooms, laboratories etc. Our company, besides offering almost all kinds of water treatment devices in all segments, also offers the ultimate service and maintenance that is essential for the devices to function smoothly and for many years,  said Dalibor Jakić. We invite all our present and future customers to find out why our service was proclaimed the best in BiH for 2017. In order to get the best results when it comes to pure water, it is necessary to regularly change your filters. Our service, unlike others, has a special approach when it comes to our clients and maintenance of the device. We are not just changing your filters but we are trying to provide the best possible result by professional approach. Namely, when changing the filter, it is imperative to completely disinfect the device of residue dirt on the unit itself, and to check the condition of the entire device so that the quality of the purified water does not reduce. Since you gave us your trust and proclaimed us as the best service in B&H regarding water treatment, we are always ready to provide advice, answer all your questions regarding the proper device functioning and be available to our customers 24/7!

Become a part of the community of satisfied customers of our service. 

Choose Only the Best: The Advantages and Disadvantages of Water Filter Systems

This post will provide you with more information about the benefits and disadvatages of drinking filtered water systems. You can share the tips with your family and loved ones to create awareness. Here are some of the health benefits of drinking filtered water.

May Reduce Gastrointestinal Diseases

Functional gastrointestinal disorders are conditions that can be best be explained by assessing the level of comfort one has when passing stool. This is because these particular conditions make the gastrointestinal tract look normal, yet they are making this part of your system not work properly. They include: constipation and irregular bowel movement (IBM).

Interestingly, these conditions are caused by aluminum and prescription drugs, some of the known toxins among 2100 others that are not filtered out of tap water. Filtered water get rids of these contaminants and enhances the gastrointestinal functions. The level of comfort you have during a bowel movement may well be connected to whether you drink filtered water or not.

In addition, filtered water reduces the risk of gastrointestinal diseases by removing cryptosporidium and giardia. Both are intestinal infections that lead to bouts of nausea, diarrhea, and abdominal cramps. Filtered water is then especially important for pregnant women and children who are more susceptible to these infections due to a weaker immune system.May Help Reduces the Risk of Cancer\r\nFiltered water reduces a whole range of carcinogenic substances that increase the risk of cancer.

First among this, are disinfection by-products (DBPs) that result from the chemical reaction of chlorine (used to disinfect drinking water) and natural organic substances. This process is more harmful than consumption of chlorine in drinking water alone. DBPs have been known to cause a range of cancers, some of them being rectal cancer, colon cancer, and bladder cancer. Filtering water gets rid of DBPs ensuring the protection of your family and reducing the risk of cancer.

Another powerful carcinogenic is arsenic. This harmful substance has been known to cause the development of some types of cancer. Filtered water has a smaller percentage of arsenic than tap water, reducing the risk of cancer.Supports Immune System and Healthy Mental Function

Contaminants such as arsenic and aluminum that affect the development of children and their immune systems are filtered out. Filtered water ensures that your children grow and develop healthily. Filtered water is also beneficial for pregnant women whose unborn children are affected by contaminants that cause birth defects.

Benefits to the skin

Filtered water often tastes better than tap water and distilled water. This encourages individuals to drink more water. The benefits of regular hydration are eventually manifested in the glowing healthy skin of a well-hydrated individual.\r\nIn addition, it gets rids of fluoride that causes cellular damage that increases aging. This helps reduces the rate of aging. It can be considered to be a kind of antioxidant.

Chlorine, a common contaminant in tap water that causes dry skin and rash is also filtered out through the use of point of use filters at sinks and showerheads.Retains the healthy mineral deposits in water

Using a carbon filter, all unwanted contaminants are removed while still retaining all the healthy mineral deposits that are supposed to be present in water. These include calcium and magnesium that are necessary minerals in the body.

Non-health benefits of filtered water

In addition to the sure benefits that filtered water has on your overall health, it also has some markedly vast benefits that do not affect your health directly. Perhaps the most relatable benefit is that it tastes damn good and smells better too. Tap water has a tendency of tasting like chlorine and smelling just the same. Distilled water, on the other hand, is too bland as it is deprived of a huge percentage of its mineral deposits. Filtered water combines all the necessary mineral deposits that make it taste good without the contaminants of tap water.\r\nIt is a much cheaper way of ensuring your family has healthy drinking water. Many people are realizing that tap water has seriously harmful effects, to combat these most turn to bottled water. This, in the long run, is much more costly than simply acquiring a whole house filter. The initial cost may be a bit disconcerting but in the long run, it is much cheaper. It is also environmental friendly. While bottled water increases the disposal of bottles which will take 300 years to disintegrate, filtered water does not have the same degrading effect on the environment.

The advantages of filtered water\

• May help mitigate the risk of cancer by getting rid of a wide range of carcinogenic contaminants

• Increases hydration

• May help reduce the risk of gastrointestinal diseases

• Helps support natural growth and development in children

• May help reduce the risk of birth defects in pregnant women

• Strengthens natural immune system

• Retains the healthy mineral deposits in water leading to overall good health

• Good flavor and smellThe disadvantages of filtered water systems

• Continued costs even after the initial cost for certain filters such as those that use carbon cartridges will need regular replacement\

• Filters only work on already treated water such as tap water. It cannot be used straight from the source

• Regular maintenance: Certain filters will need regular cleaning in order to avoid bacteria. Dirty filters are much more dangerous than tap water

• There is no regulation of the manufacturers that make water filters, making the process of buying a good filter more challenging for the consumer (that’s why you should be sure that filters are made in EU countries that have to comply with health standards) 

    • The risk of purchasing a filter that does not suit your needs. Filters work differently some get rid of heavy metals, while others reduce parasites
    • The filters may also not remove pesticides which increase the risk of cancer

Final Words

Obtaining a water filter is one of the surest ways of ensuring your family’s good health. After all, water is life. But these benefits can only be enjoyed if the kind of filter you obtain is chosen carefully coinciding with your own personal needs.

It is important to do your research before purchasing any filter at all. That’s why our experts’ team are at your disposal for all your requirements.

Regular Consumption of Filtered Water Helps to Preserve Memory and Stable Mood

We use filtrated water to cool our body with sweat, to circulate oxygen and fuel to our organs and take away waste products via blood. But how does it impact your breath, muscles, skin—and brain function? Find out here.


Staying hydrated with filtered water keeps your memory sharp, your mood stable and your motivation intact. When you’re well-hydrated, you can also think through a problem more easily. Researchers hypothesize that not having enough water could reduce oxygen flow to the brain or temporarily shrink neurons—or being thirsty could simply distract you.


Water keeps your throat and lips moist and prevents your mouth from feeling dry. Dry mouth can cause bad breath and/or an unpleasant taste—and can even promote cavities.


Dehydration lowers your blood volume, so your heart must work harder to pump the reduced amount of blood and get enough oxygen to your cells, which makes everyday activities like walking up stairs—as well as exercise—more difficult.


Your body releases heat by expanding blood vessels close to the skin’s surface (this is why your face gets red during exercise), resulting in more blood flow and more heat dissipated into the air. When you’re dehydrated, however, it takes a higher environmental temperature to trigger blood vessels to widen, so you stay hotter.Limbs

When you’re well hydrated, the filtrated water inside and outside the cells of contracting muscles provides adequate nutrients and removes waste efficiently so you perform better. Water is also important for lubricating joints. Contrary to popular belief, muscle cramps do not appear to be related to dehydration, but, instead, to muscle fatigue, according to Sam Cheuvront, Ph.D., an exercise physiologist for the U.S. Army Research Institute of Environmental Medicine.


When a person is severely dehydrated, skin is less elastic. This is different than dry skin, which is usually the result of soap, hot chlorinated water and exposure to dry air. And, no, unfortunately, drinking lots of water won’t prevent wrinkles.


Your kidneys need water to filter waste from the blood and excrete it in urine. Keeping hydrated with filtered water may also help prevent urinary tract infections and kidney stones. If you are severely dehydrated, your kidneys may stop working, causing toxins to build up in your body.